Gion Area in Kyoto

"Gion Shinbashi" Area

Gion is the area where used to be the princt of Yasaka-Jinjya Shrine. The area was the east of the Kamo River on the Shijyo Street. Gion is very well-known as a "Geisha" quarter in the Edo Age (1603 - 1868) .

At the north side of Gion-Shijyo Station, the head office and the main shop of "IZUTSU" Yatsuhashi is located. Yatsuhashi is one of typical confections of Kyoto. "IZUTSU" Yatsuhashi was founded in 1805 and is keeping providing "Yatsuhashi" confections.

Currently, there are many modern buildings in this area. But, in the Gion-Shinbashi area to the north from Gion-Shijyo Station, many buildings built in the Edo Age remain and the atmosphere looks like at that time.

The below picture shows the entrance of the Gion-Shinbashi Area. Willow trees stand along the street in a row.

The street lies along the Shirakawa river. Japanese-style restaurants are located along the other side of the Shirakawa River.

A private bridge spans from the street to a restaurant across the reiver.

If you walk to the east along the Shirakawa River, you will see "Tatsumi" bridge. Vermilion fences are very impressive. The name of those who made donations to Tatsumi Shrine are listed on each bord of the fences.

A narrow street continues beyond Tatsumi Bridge. Bamboo enclosures are placed on the both sides of buildings. This is a typical scenery in Kyoto.

Along the Shinbashi Street, Japanese-style restaurants are also located. The atmosphere of the street looks like in the Edo Age.

The "Gion" Area was developed in 1670 and enlarged in 1712. The restaurant shown in the below-right photo was a "Geisha" House where TAKASUGI Shinsaku (1839 - 1867) , who was an Imperial loyalist from Hagi at the end of the Edo Age.

Please refer the page of "Kikuya Avenue" in Hagi, Yamaguchi Prefecture:

If you are lucky, you will see a Maiko-san or Geiko-san in this area. Please keep in your mind to refrain from taking photos of Maiko-san or Geiko-san on a street. That is breach of manners.
The Gion-Shinbashi Area is designated as a "Conservation District of Traditional Buildings".

After visiting the Gion Shimbashi Area, I participated a party and the dance performance of a Maiko-san and Geiko-san were held.

Their behavior and posture were very beautiful. I hope it is allowed to share the above photo on my web page.

"Ponto-Cho" Area

The "Ponto-Cho" Area is the area between the Kamo River and the Takase River in Kyoto to the north side of the Shijyo Street. The Ponto-Cho is located to the west side of the Kamogawa. This area was also very well-known as a "Geisha" quarter in the Edo Age. There are many restaurants and bars in this area.

It is very crowded at night in this area.

On the small street to the south of the Shijyo Street, the atmosphere in the Edo Age also remains.

How to get there
From Kyoto Station, you will take a bus, route #86 and #206, to the Kitaoji Bus Terminal. Take off at Gion. It will take approximately 20 to 25 minutes. From Osaka, take a train on the Keihan Line to Demachiyanagi and take off at Gion-Shijyo Station.

Other Historical Sites near by:
Nanzenji Temple
Yasaka Area
Kodaiji Temple
Sannei-zaka Area
Kiyomizu Temple

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