Nanzenji Temple in Kyoto

Nanzenji Temple is located in Higashiyama, Kyoto and was originally built in 1264 by Emperor KAMEYAMA.

At the end of the Kamakura Age, the five most important Rinzai temples in Kyoto and Kamakura were respectively selected. Nanzenji Temple was considered extraordinarily important and put in the position above these other ten important temples.

First, you will pass the Middle Gate. Beside the Middle Gate, you will find the Imperial Envoy Gate. This gate was presented by Emperor MEISHO in 1641. Originally this gate was located in the Imperial Palace in Kyoto.

Middle Gate

Imperial Envoy Gate

Then, the huge "Sanmon Gate" will be in front of you. The Sanmon Gate means the large triple gate. The gate was rebuilt in 1628 and nominated as one of the three big temple gates in Kyoto.

"Sanmon Gate" Large Triple Gate

After passing through the "Sanmon Gate", you will reach the Lecture Hall. This building was unfortunately destroyed by fire in 1895, and rebuilt in 1909.

"Hodo", Lecture Hall

Behind of the Lecture Hall, the Main Hall, "Hojyo" is located. The "Hojyo" building was built in the late 16the century. Originally this building was in the Imperial Palace and was later placed here. The "Hojyo" is a national treasure of Japan.

"Hojyo", Main Hall

"Hojyo Garden"

"Hojyo" is well known for the garden in front of its building. This is a typical "Zen" garden. The Zen garden is very simple but it is calm and profound.

Behind of "Hojyo" garden, a Japanese rock garden is also there.

A Japanese Rock Garden in "Hojyo"

In Nanzenji Temple, there are a couple of sub-temples. Konchi-In, Nanzen-In are examples of these sub-temples. Each sub-temple also has beautiful gardens.

A Japanese Rock Garden in Kenjyu-An

Japanese Rock Garden in Tenjyu-An is one of such gardens in sub-temples. You will be able to touch with calm and profound atmosphere.

One of famous buildings in Nanzenji Temple is "Suirokaku" shown in the bottom picture.
This has nothing to do with Buddhism. "Suirokaku" is the bridge for the canal from Biwa Lake to Kyoto City built in 1890.

In 1890, when a canal was built from Biwa Lake to Kyoto City, a stone bridge was built inside of Nanzenji Temple. When it started to be built, arguments were generated. Many were against building a western style architecture bridge inside a very historical temple. However, after more than 100 years passed, this stone bridge became a famous sightseeing spot in Kyoto.

Many TV dramas have taken place here.

How to get there
Nanzenji Temple is to the northeast of Keage Station on Kyoto Subway Tozai Line. It takes you eight minutes from Keage Station to Nanzenji.

Official English site:

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