Achi Shrine in Kurashiki

Achi Shrine is located on a small hill, named Mt. Tsurugata, to the north of Honmachi Area in Kurashiki City. You will go up stone stairs to the shrine.

As Achi Shrine is located on a steep cliff, there is a building with an overhung structure.

The Worship Hall of Achi Shrine was well decorated.

Achi Shrine was established before the recorded history of Japan. The shrine history tells that ACHI-no-Omi, who was a great-grand child of the Emperor of Han, in China (BC 206 - AD 8) , came to Japan and distributed many Chinese undated technologies to the people, and gave contributions for prosperities in this area. He was enshrined at Achi Shrine.

A wedding ceremony happened to be held. A red carpet was especially prepared for the ceremony.

Branch shrines and a Noh theater also provide historical atmosphere.

From Achi Shrine, you will see Kurashiki Historical District. There are so many warehouse-style houses in the district.

Please refer the page of "Bikan Historical Quarter in Kurashiki" for more detail:

Wealthy merchants made donations to Achi Shrine. Achi Shrine has been one of the most flourished shrine in the Kurashiki area during the Edo Age (1603 - 1868) .

How to get there
From Tokyo, take a "Nozomi" or a "Hikari" for Japan Rail Pass travelers to Okayama.
From Okayama Station, take a JR to Kurashiki. Kurashiki Ivy Square is approximately fifteen minutes on foot from Kurashiki Station.

Other Historical Sites near by:
Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter
Kurashiki Ivy Square
Kurashiki Honmachi Area
Kibitsuhiko Shrine

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