"Bikan" Historical Quarter in Kurashiki

Kurashiki is located approximately 20 kilometers to the west of Okayama City. During the Edo Age (1603 - 1868) , the Kurashiki Area was governed directly by "Edo Bakufu", which was the central government of Japan. At that time, farmers were forced to pay tax with rice. Many rice warehouses were built in Kurashiki.

If you walk approximately ten minutes from Kurashiki Station to the south, you will arrive at the entrance of the historical district of Kurashiki, named "Bikan" Historical Quarter.

In the "Bikan" Historical Quarter, a moat is located at the middle of the area.

Along the moat, historical buildings are located, Willow trees are aligned also along the moat. Aligned willow trees make the atmosphere as it were in the Edo Age (1603 - 1868) .

The below pictures show the residence of OHARA family, who were the village headman during the Edo Age and became a prosperous family in the Meiji Age.

The former OHARA Residence
The Second House of OHARA Masagoro

The former OHARA Residence was built at the end of the Edo Age (1603 - 1868) and total of ten buildings are designated as important properties of Japan. The second house of OHARA Magosaburo was built in 1928. He built this house for his unhealthy wife to recuperate from her illness.

OHARA Magosaburo was one of the founders of Kurashiki Spinning Company, whose current company name is "KURABO INDUSTRIES LTD" and made great successes of the company's development.

The "Nakabashi" Bridge is located at the center of Kurashiki "Bikan" Historical Quarter over the moat.

The moat bends at the "Nakabashi Bridge" to the right, in direction to the south. The scenery from the bridge is very impressive. Buildings constructed storehouse style are located along the moat. Those building are approximately hundred years old or younger, but the scenery looks exactly like in the Edo Age (1603 - 1868) .

From the Nakabashi Bridge, if you walk on the left side of the moat, you will see many storehouse style buildings. Many of them are now used as souvenir shops and restaurants. The atmosphere at this area is also very nice and many tourists were enjoying it.

The below picture shows a shop of Japanese "Sake". This "Sake" shop sells local Japanese "Sake" brewed in this region. The shop curtain was impressive.

On the other side of the street along the moat, museums are located.

Kurashiki Museum of Folkcraft
Former Kurashiki Town Office

The buildings of "Kurashiki Museum of Folkcraft" were rice warehouses in the Edo Age (1603 - 1868) . Mr. OHARA Soichiro, who was a president of Kurabo, donated these four warehouse buildings as for a museum and opened it in 1948.

Kurashiki "Bikan" Historical Quarter was designated as a conservation district of traditional buildings. The conservation activities of Kurashiki "Bikan" district started when Mr. OHARA Soichiro donated rice warehouses.

How to get there
From Tokyo, take a "Nozomi" or a "Hikari" for Japan Rail Pass travelers to Okayama.
From Okayama Station, take a JR to Kurashiki. "Bikan" Historical Quarter is ten to twenty minutes on foot from Kurashiki Station.

Other Historical Sites near by:
Ruins of Okayama Castle
Korakuen Garden
Kurashiki Ivy Square
Kurashiki Honmachi Area

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