Ruins of Iyo-Ozu Castle

The ruins of Iyo-Ozu Castle are located approximately forty kilometers to the southwest of Matsuyama City. The history of the Iyo-Ozu Castle started in the fourteenth century, when UTSUNOMIYA Toyofusa (1293-1369) built the castle in 1331. At the end of the sixteenth century, TODO Takatora (1556-1630) and WAKISAKA Yasuharu (1554-1626) became a castle lord and made Iyo-Ozu Castle as a modern castle. Ozu became the capital of the Ozu Domain.

In 1617, KATO Sadayasu (1580-1623) moved from Yonago and became the third castle lord. The posterity of KATO clan was castle lord until the end of the Edo Age (1603-1868) .

Iyo-Ozu Castle was located by a riverside of the Hiji River. When you cross over the Hijikawa Bridge, you will see the view of Iyo-Ozu Castle and Hiji River.

The "Owata" Turret is located just beside the Hiji River. The turret was built in 1843 and is designated as an important property of Japan.

The main castle buildings of Iyo-Ozu Castle are located on a small hill. At the foot of the hill, a couple of existing castle buildings are located.

"On-Monban Nagaya"

The "Shimo-Daidokoro" is located on the third bailey and the "Shimo-Daidokoro" is located on the second bailey. From the second bailey, you will go up to the main bailey on a slope.

On the main bailey, the Main Castle Tower, the "Korai" Turret and the "Daidokoro" Turret are located. The Main Castle Tower was newly rebuilt in 2004, as it was in the Edo Age and the same technologies and methods in the Edo Age were used. The main castle tower is a four-storied building with four roofs.

The "Korai" Turret and the "Daidokoro" Turret were destroyed by a earthquake, which happened in 1857, at the end of the Edo Age. The "Korai" Turret was rebuilt in 1860. The "Daidokoro" Turret was rebuilt in 1859. These two turrets are designated as important properties of Japan.

The castle tower and the turrets are open for the public. The below two pictures show the inside of the turrets.

"Daidokoro" Turret
"Koran" Turret

Although these two turrets were rebuilt at the end of the Edo Age, inside the castle buildings were very traditional. The below picture shows the inside of the Main Castle Tower of Iyo-Ozu Castle.

The Main Castle Tower has an open space through a series of floors. The original Main Castle Tower also has the unique structure.

From the top floor of the Main Castle Tower, you can see the Hiji River. It was in the middle of summer and very hot, when I visited. The wind from the river was very comfortable.

The third bailey of Iyo-Ozu Castle was located to the south of the main bailey during the Edo Age, where the retainer's residences were located. The atmosphere of a small avenue was very nice.

The site of the third bailey now becomes the local government office quarter. Also, schools are located there.

In a playground of the Ozu elementary school, the "Minami" Turret is located. The turret was built in 1766 and the oldest existing building of Iyo-Ozu Castle. The "Minami" Turret is also designated as an important property of Japan.

How to get there
From Tokyo, take a Tokaido Shinkansen, "Nozomi" or a "Hikari" for Japan Rail Pass travelers to Okayama. Take a Limited Express "Shiokaze" to Matsuyama. Then, take a Limited Express "Uwakai" to Iyo-Ozu. Or, you can fly to Matsuyama Airport and take a "Uwakai" from Matsuyama.

Other Historical Sites near by:
Ruins of Matsuyama Castle
Uchiko Historical District
Ozu Historical District
Ruins of Uwajima Castle

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