Uchiko Historical District

Uchiko is located to the south-west of Matsuyama City, on a key point of transportation, where two major road cross. Uchiko prospered as a result of selling Japanese traditional paper "Washi" to take an advantage of their location for trading. At the end of the Edo Age (1603-1868) , the Japan tallow also became the key product at Uchiko. After the Edo Age ended, these products went out of use. As a result, Uchiko Town became declined.

Uchiko Historical District is located 1.3 kilometers to the north of Uchiko Station. I rent a bicycle to go there. You will soon go into the Uchiko Town. Traditional merchant buildings remain along the main street.

At the intersection of the Iyo Bank, you will take a right. You will see traditional houses remaining on a gentle slope.

On the top of the slope, you will see a Zig-Zag shaped corner. This is the entrance of Uchiko Historical District. Honey-colored walls of these traditional houses at the corner are very impressive.

The Historical District in Uchiko Town is named the "Youkaichi-Gokoku" Historical District. It continues 600 meters in length from this corner. The traditional buildings were built mainly from the middle of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century.

The seventy percent of historical houses have honey-colored walls. Not like other towns in Japan, all utility poles and electric wires have been removed. The scenery of the historical district is the same as hundred years ago.

At the middle of the historical district, you will see the "HONHAGA" Residence. HAGA Yasoemon (1801-1867) invented the innovative production methods of the Japan tallow in the middle of the nineteenth century and started the mass production of the Japan tallow for lighting. This mansion was built in 1889 and is designated as an important property of Japan.

The Uchiko Historical District still continues after passing through the "HONHAGA" residence. You will be in the full of an historical atmosphere in Uchiko.

Near the north end of the historical district, you will find the "KAMIHAGA" Residence, as shown the below left picture. Unfortunately, it was under repairment and closed, when I visited.

"KAMIHAGA" family was a relative of HONHAGA" family and also made a fortune by the Japan tallow. This residence is also designated as an important property of Japan.

On the way back to Uchiko Station of the Uchiko Historical District, I visited the "Uchiko-Za".

This building was originally built in 1916 and used to be a "Kabuki" Theater. It was once decided to destroy this building in the 1980s, because the building was aged and deteriorated. However, the citizens of Uchiko Town opposed this decision and it was repaired in 1985. Now, the inside of the theater maintains as it was, and it is open for the public.

The historical district in Uchiko is designated as an important preservation district of historic buildings. This is one of my most favorite historical districts in Japan.

How to get there
From Tokyo, take a Tokaido Shinkansen, "Nozomi" or a "Hikari" for Japan Rail Pass travelers to Okayama. Take a Limited Express "Shiokaze" to Matsuyama. Then change to a Limited Express "Uwakai" at Matsuyama. Or, you can fly to Matsuyama Airport and take a "Uwakai" from Matsuyama.

Other Historical Sites near by:
Ruins of Matsuyama Castle
Dogo Hot Springs
Ozu Historical District
Ruins of Uwajima Castle

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