Shofukuji and Tochoji Temples in Fukuoka

Fukuoka is the Prefectural Capital of Fukuoka and has the largest population in Kyushu Island. Fukuoka has two main areas, one is "Fukuoka" and the other is "Hakata". "Fukuoka" in the west side of Fukuoka developed after Fukuoka Caste was built in 1606 and became the area where "Samurai" Residences were located during the Edo Age (1603-1868) . "Hakata" in the east side of Fukuoka has been developed since the middle of the third century and well-known as a base port for trading with China and Korean countries.

The Nakagawa River flows along the border between the "Hakata" and "Fukuoka" Areas. The small island in the Nakagawa River, is named "Nakasu". To the north-east from "Nakasu", a couple of temples are located.

Please refer the page of Nakasu in Fukuoka for more detail:

Shofukuji Temple

Shofukuji Temple was built in 1195 by YOSAI (1141-1215) , who was the founder of Japan's "Rinzai" Sect. MINAMOTO-no Yoritomo (1147-1199) , who was the first Shogun in the Kamakura Age, donated eighty-one hectares of the land for Shofukuji Temple.

If you walk to the north from Gion Staion on the Fukuoka City Subway, You will soon arrive at Shofukuji Temple. The "Tsuijibei" wall continues along the street in front of the temple. The "Chokushimon" Gate, Imperial Envoy Gate, is located to the middle of wall. Only noble people allow to go through the "Chokushimon" Gate and the gate is usually closed unless otherwise such noble people visit the temple.

The "Somon" Gate is located to the right of the "Chokushimon" Gate for public.
After passing through the "Somon" Gate, you will see the "Sanmon" Gate on your left.

Two-storied "Sanmon" Gate is very dignified. The gate was originally built as the "Kannondo" Hall of Shima-Sakurai Shrine and was moved to Shofukuji Temple at the beginning of the Edo Age (1603-1868) . The current existing gate was rebuilt in 1911 after the original gate was destroyed by the fire in 1866.

Behind the "Sanmon" Gate, the "Butsuden" Hall and the "Hatto" Hall are located. The "Chokushimon" Gate, the "Sanmon" Gate, the "Butsuden" Hall and the "Hatto" Hall are aligned on the center axis of the temple.

On your left, the "Bell" Tower is located. The approach continues to a "Kuri, a temple kitchen, in parallel to the center axis of the temple.

At the end of the approach, you will see a "Kuri" behind a small gate. However, admittance is strictly prohibited beyond the gate.

The "Rinzai" Sect founded by YOSAI is the fist "Zen" sect and Shofukuji Temple was the first "Zen" Temple in Japan. Shofukuji Temple is a training temple for ascetic monks to conduct "Zen" practices to attain enlightenment.
You need a preliminary application and special permission to visit the temple beyond this gate.

The atmosphere of the temple was very solemn. The moss garden was very impressive.
Because of this historical reason, Shofukuji Temple is designated as a national historical site.

Tochoji Temple

Tochoji Temple is located to the south from Soufukuji Temple. Tochoji Temple was originally built by KUKAI (774-835) in 806. KUKAI studied the esoteric Buddhism in China from 804 for two years. After he learnt the esoteric Buddhism, he went back to Japan and built Tochoji Temple. Later, KUKAI became the founder of the Japan's "Shingon" Sect.

In the sixteenth century, the temple got into ruin due to civilian wars. KURODA Tadayuki (1602-1654) , the second feudal lord of the Fukuoka Domain, revived the temple and rebuilt temple buildings.

The Main Hall is located behind the "Sanmon" Gate. The Main Hall is very huge and gorgeous.

The "Rokkakudo" Hall shown in the below-left picture was built in 1842. The "Rokkakudo" Hall has the hexagonal shape. Buddha statues are placed along the walls.

To the left of the Main Hall, the Five-storied Pagoda is located. The pagoda was newly built in 2011. The red color of the pagoda was very impressive.

If you walk further to the left from the Main Hall, you will see three graves of the feudal lords of the Fukuoka Domain. The grave of KURODA Tadayuki (1628-1654) , the second feudal lord of the Fukuoka Domain, is located on the left.

To the right, the grave of KURODA Mitsuyuki (1602-1707) , the third feudal lord of the Fukuoka Domain and the grave of KURODA Harutaka (1754-1782) , the eighth feudal lord of the Fukuoka Domain are located.

These graves are very glorious. As the Fukuoka Domain is one of large Domain in the Edo Age, these graves indicate that feudal lords had strong power and high social standing.

How to get there
From Tokyo or Osaka, take a "Nozomi" bound for Hakata. From Hakata, take a Fukuoka City Subway on the Airport Line to Gion. Alternatively, fly to Fukuoka Airport and change to the subway. Shofukuji Temple and Tochoji Temples are located to the north of Gion Station.

Other Historical Sites near by:
Hakozaki-Gu Shrine
Kashii-Gu Shrine
Tochoji Temple
Kushida Shrine and Nakasu in Fukuoka
Fukuoka Castle

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