Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine

Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine was built in 919 to enshrine SUGAWARA-no Michizane (845-903) . He was a noble and became a Udaijin, one of two top positions of the Dynasty in Japan from the Nara Age (710-794) to the Heian Age (794-1185) .

In 901, SUGAWARA-no Michizane suddenly demoted to the position of Dazaifu Government Office located in Fukuoka, Kyushu, 600 kilometers (375 miles) away from Kyoto where the capital of Japan was located in the Heian Age. He moved from Kyoto all the way to Dazaifu and he despaired very much.

SUGAWARA-no Michizane died in 903, just three years after he moved to Dazaifu. After his death, extraordinary natural phenomena happened in Kyoto. The novel people, especially those who made him demoted were scared and the Emperor DAIGO (885-930) decided to build the Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine to enshrine SUGAWARA-no Michizane.

The approach to Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine continues in front of Dazaifu Station. As the shrine is one of very popular shrine as a shrine to a god of learning in Japan, many worship-visitors were heading to the shrine.

Both sides of the approach are lined with souvenir stores and stores of "Umegae-Mochi", a rice cake with sweet bean jam, which is a speciality of Dazaifu.

At the end of the approach, you will see a traditional gate. This gate was built in 1834 and used to be the gate of "Enjyu-Ohin" Temple. Currently, it is the private house of the chief priest of Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine.

You will turn left in front of the gate to the north and you will see a stone Torii-Gate. The Torii-Gate was built seven hundred years ago and is the oldest stone Torii-Gate in Kyushu.

Then, you will cross over the Taiko Bridge. It is said that the Taiko Bridge was built by KURODA Nagamasa (1568-1623) , who was the first feudal lord of Fukuoka Domain at the beginning of the Edo Age. After you passed the Taiko Bridge, you will see two subordinate shrines. The first one is Imaoh Shrine and the second one is Shiga Shrine.

Shiga Shrine, shown in the above right picture, was built in 1458. Originally, the shrine building was decorated with black lacquer and golden fittings. Because of this architecture, the shrine building of Shiga Shrine is designated as an important property of Japan.

After you cross over three bridges, you will find the tow storied gate.

The gate is painted in vermilion color and is very brilliant. The two storied-gate was destroyed by fire in Meiji Age (1868-1912) , and rebuilt in 1914.

After passing through the two-storied gate, you will finally find the main shrine building of Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine. The location of the shrine was the sight of SUGAWARA-no Michizane's grave.

You will find Japanese apricot flowers in front of the main shrine building. These apricot flowers are named "Tobiume". It is said that these Japanese apricot flowers in the garden of SUGAWARA-no Michizane's residence flew from Kyoto to Dazaifu after him.

The main shrine building was rebuilt in 1591. It is also painted in vermilion color. It is very brilliant and gorgeous.

The main shrine building is also designated as an important property of Japan.

Komyo-Zenji Temple

If you walk to the south from Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, you will arrive at Komyo-Zenji Temple.

Komyo-Zenji Temple was built in 1273. The temple was originally the family temple of those who served for Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine. It is well known for the beautiful garden.

Especially, a moss garden with white sands is very beautiful.

The atmosphere of the temple seems the same as temples in Kyoto. You will also enjoy to see beautiful autumn color of leaves at the temple.

How to get there
From Tokyo or Osaka, take a "Nozomi" bound for Hakata. From, Hakata, take a bus directly to Dazaifu. Or, take a JR local train to Futsukaichi and walk to Murasaki Station. From Murasaki Station, take a train to Nishitetsu-Futsukaichi and change to Dazaifu on the Dazaifu Line. It will take approximately one hour from Hakata to Dazaifu on both ways.

Other Historical Sites near by:
Ruins of Fukuoka Castle
Ruins of Dazaifu Government
Kanzeonji Temple in Dazaifu
Ruins of Mizuki
Ruins of Ono Castle

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