Chiran Historical District

Chiran is located approximately 25 kilometers south-southwest from Kagoshima City. During the Edo Age (1603-1868) , SATA-SHIMAZU Clan, who were the relatives of SHIMAZU Clan, feudal lord of Satsuma Domain, governed Chiran Area. SATA-SHIMAZU Clan built Kikko Castle at the east side of Chiran and retainers' residences were located to the west side of the castle. Retainers' residences and gardens remain as "Chiran Samurai Residence".

During Word War II, an Air Base of Imperial Japanese Army was built in the south of Chiran Town. Kamikaze corps, known as suicide attackers, made sorties from the Chiran Air Base.

Chiran Historical District, "Chiran Samurai Residences"

If you take out a bus from Kagoshima-Chuo Station at Nakagori Bus stop, you will cross over the Fumoto River. The Historical district in Chiran is located to the south of the main street.

You need to pay admission fee to walk in the historical district. Along the narrow street, "Samurai" residences are located.

Clipped hedges continue on stone walls on both sides of the street. This view looks like as if you are in a garden and the atmosphere is as if you are in the Edo Age.

The architecture of a gate in front of a residence is from the Edo Age.

Seven gardens of these residences are open to the public. The gardens are well maintained and beautiful. The atmosphere of these gardens is very calm and you will be refreshed.

The garden of SAIGO Keiichi's residence

The garden of HIRAYAMA Katsumi's residence

In the Chiran Historical District, unfortunately many house buildings are rebuilt. In the middle of the historical district, a thatched roofed house is located. This house consists of two house-buildings and these two house-buildings are connected.

This style of house building is unique to the Chiran Area.

The atmosphere at the thatched roofed house is very calm and comfortable. You can drink a cup of Japanese tea with sweets at the veranda of the house. These sweets are the specialty of this area.

It will enrich your heart and will be very impressive.

Near the east end of the historical district, another thatched roofed house is located. This is the site of TAKAGI Residence.

This house has the same style as the other thatched roofed house. The house has two entrances. One is only for the house lord and his sun, called the entrance for male. The other entrance is for other people, especially for women. During the Edo Age, it was the feudal age. "Men's predominance over women" was the common sense for the people in Japan at the Edo Age. Unfortunately, this prejudice still remains in Japan.

If you walk the street which is located to the south of the historical district, you will see the thatched roofed house from the back yard.

This was very nostalgic view for me.
Chiran Historical District is designated as a "Conservation District of Traditional Buildings".

Chiran "Kamikaze Corps" Peace Museum

As described above, an Air Base of Imperial Japanese Army for Kamikaze corps was located to the south of Chiran Town during World War II. At the site of the Air Base, "Chiran Kamikaze Corps Museum" is located.

"Kamikaze Corps" was made in 1945. Imperial Japan broke out the Pacific War against the United States in 1941 blindly. In 1943, the state of the war was already deteriorated. In the late 1944, the stupid idea came out that "one fighter could have sunk a battleship if the fighter could crash onto the battleship". It was absolutely crazy. But the "Kamikaze Corps" were formed in October 1944.

Kamikaze Corps were suicide attacks. A fighter had fuels only for one way at the attack. In total, two thousand and five hundread pilots were killed due to the suicide attacks. Most of them were twenty years old or younger.

The peace bell is located to the museum.

Unfortunately, there are people who glamorize and justify imperialisms in Japan. They also glamorize and justify stupid and barbaric Kamikaze suicide attacks.

How to get there
From Tokyo, take a "Nozomi" bound for Hakata. From Hakata, take a "Mizuho", "Sakura" or "Tsubame" to Kagoshima-Chuo. From Osaka, "Mizuho" and "Sakura" run directly to Kagoshima-Chuo. Take a bus from Kagoshima-Chuo to Bukeyashiki-Iriguchi or Nakagori in Chiran. Another bus service is available from Ibusuki Station on the Ibusuki-Makurazaki Line.

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Other Historical Sites near by:
Ruins of Chiran Castle
Ruins of Kagohima Castle

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