Lake Shinji

Lake Shinji, located in Shimane Prefecture, is the seventh largest lake in Japan. The area of the lake is 79.08 square-kilometers. Lake Shinji used to be a limb of the Sea of Japan. It is connected to Nakaumi Lagoon and the Sea of Japan through the Ohashi River. The water of Lake Shinji is brackish. The salinity concentration of Lake Shinji is approximately 0.3%, which is one tenth of the salinity concentration of the sea.

If you walk from Matsue Station to the west, you will be at the lakeside in fifteen minutes on foot. You will see a large stone lantern on the lakeside.

You will see "Yonegashima" Island approximately 200 meters away from the lakeside and Buddha statues.

When I visited, the waves were high due to strong wind. Usually, Lake Shinji is very calm. Lake Shinji offers abundance of aquatic lives, because of brackish water. The most well-known aquatic product from Lake Shinji is the "Shijimi" clam, Corbicula japonica.

On the lake side in front of the Shimane Art Museum, the statues of Japanese hare are located.

Shimane Prefecture used to be "Izumo Province" from the written history until the middle age. "Izumo" is a treasure trove of Japanese myths. "Nihonshoki", Chronicles of Japan, and "Kojiki", Records of Ancient Matters both written in the eighth century describe Japan originally generated in this area. One of the Japanese myths describes of a Japanese hare.

To the north of Lake Shinji, the downtown Matsue is located. You will cross over the Ohashi River through the Shinji-ko Ohashi Bridge. The views of Lake Shinji and downtown Matsue are spectacular.

After crossing over the Shinji-ko Ohashi Bridge, the view of urban district of the south of the Ohashi River is also very nice.

In downtown Matsue, the ruins of Matsue Castle is located. From the main castle tower of Matsue Castle, which is designated as a national treasure of Japan, you will also see Lake Shinji.

Please refer the page of "Ruins of Matsue Castle" for more detail:

After visiting the ruins of Matsue Castle, "Shiomi-Nawate" Historical District and taking a "Horikawa" Pleasure Boat, I went back to Lake Shinji.

Please refer the page of "Shiomi-Nawate Historical District" for more detail:
Please refer the page of "Horikawa Pleasure Boat" for more detail:

It was about sunset. Lake Shinji is well-known for beautiful sunset. Unfortunately, clouds covered the setting sun.

By the lakeside of Lake Shinji, a young couple was sitting and talking each other for a while.

It was very peaceful time and atmosphere.
When you visit Matsue, please do not miss Lake Shinji.

How to get there
From Tokyo or Osaka, take a "Nozomi" bound for Hakata. Get off a Nozomi at Okayama. Take a Limited Express "Yakumo" bound for Izumoshi and get off at Matsue.

Other Historical Sites near by:
Ruins of Matsue Castle
Horikawa Pleasure Boat in Matsue
Castle Town, Matsue
Izumo-Taisha Shrine
Historical Sites in Iwami Silver Mine
Yunotsu Port Town

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