Historical District in Oo-Uda

Oo-Uda is located in the east part of Nara Prefecture. It was governed by TOYOTOMI Hidenaga (1540 - 1591) , a younger brother of TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi (1537 - 1598) . At the beginning of the Edo Age (1603 - 1868) , ODA Nobukatsu (1558 - 1630) , who was the second son of ODA Nobunaga (1534 - 1582) , was assigned as the first feudal lord of Oo-Uda by TOKUGAWA Ieyasu (1543 - 1616) . ODA Clan governed Oo-Uda but ODA Nobuyasu (1678 - 1723) , the fourth generation, was moved to Kaibara in Hyogo Prefecture in 1695. After ODA Clan left Oo-Uda, the Edo Bakufu, the central government of Japan in the Edo Age, directly governed the Oo-Uda Area.

At the entrance of the historical district in Oo-Uda, you will see a traditional gate. The gate was built in the early seventeenth century and was originally "Nishiguchi-Mon" Gate of Uda-Matsuyama Castle.

Behind the gate, you will see the historical district in Oo-Uda.

The street shown in the above left picture was the main street to Uda-Matsuyama castle, located on the top of Mt. Matsuyama to the east of Oo-Uda Town.

Oo-Uda is surrounded by mountains in the east part of Nara Prefecture and has flourished as the center of this area and inland trade between sea area and the mountain area. The key industries of Oo-Uda were medicinal herbs and forestry in the Edo Age.

After the Edo Age, especially after the beginning of the twenty century, main street and a train line between Nara and Mie Prefectures did not go through Oo-Uda. Oo-Uda became desolate and the historical houses remain as they were in the Edo Age. The seventeen hectares of area is designated as an important preservation district of historic buildings.

The historical houses shown in the below pictures were built at the middle of the nineteenth century.

The below picture shows the former MORITA Residence, located in the middle of Oo-Uda. It was built in 1809 and was a drag store, who sold medicinal herbs from this area. The residence is now open for the public.

In side of the residence is kept clean and as it was the Edo Age. The below right picture shows the counter of the drag store.

An old cooking stoves are displayed in the residence. It seems used for making of medicine from herbs. It was very impressive.

If you walk further to the south of Oo-Uda Historical District, you will also see many old houses.

Near the south end of Oo-Uda Historical District, the MORINO Yoshino-Kuzu Honpo Store, who sells "Kuzu", which is known for its medical properties and recognized as organic food.

MORINO Tosuke (1690 - 1767) , the eleventh generation of MORINO Clan, started a herb garden and opened the MORINO Yoshino-Kuzu Honpo Store in 1729. The herb garden was the first herb garden in Japan,

Back to the northern part of Oo-Uda Historical District, visited the ruins of Uda-Matsuyama Castle. At the foot of Mt. Matsuyama, Kasuga Shrine is located. It was built in 1405, by ASHIKAGA Yoshimitsu(1358 - 11408), who was the third Shogun in the Muromachi Age.

The steep mountain trail to the ruins of Uda-Matsuyama Castle continues from Kasuga Shrine. Uda-Matsuyama Castle was originally built in the fourteenth century. TOYOTOMI Hidenaga rebuilt the castle as a modern castle in 1585. It was abandoned in 1615.

After approximately ten minutes of climbing the trail, you will arrive at the top of Mt, Matsuyama. There is nothing left at the ruins of Uda-Matsuyama castle. On the right of the below picture, you will see the elevated portion. This is the site of the foundation of the main castle tower of Oda-Matsuyama Castle.

You will see mountains surround OoUda. The below picture shows the view to the south, where Mt.Yoshino, which is known for beautiful cherry blossoms. The view from the ruins of Uda-Matsuyama castle is spectacular.

Oo-Uda is not so popular even for Japanese, but it is a very lovely town. The view from the ruins of Uda-Matsuyama Castle was very impressive.

How to get there
From Osaka and Nagoya, you will take a Limited Express of Kintetsu Railway and get off the train at Haibara on the Kintetsu-Osaka Line. Then, take a bus to Oo-Uda.

Other Historical Sites near by:
Hasedera Temple
Muroji Temple
Amagashi Hill
"Jinaimachi" in Imai-Cho
Kami-Sennbon in Yoshino

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