Omori Historical District in Iwami Silver Mine

Iwami Silver Mine produced approximately one third of total silver amount in Japan in the late sixteenth century and the beginning of the seventeenth century. As Silver production from Iwami Silver Mine brought wealth to "Edo Bakufu", the central government of Japan ran by TOKUGAWA Clan in the Edo Age (1603-1868), "Edo Bakufu" directly governed Iwami Silver Mine and placed the Omori Magistrate's Office.

Please refer the top page of "Iwami Ginzan" for the information of other areas:
Please refer the page of "Omori Magistrate's Office" for more detail:

The Omori Magistrate's Office was located approximately four kilometers north from the mining galleries of Iwami Silver Mine. Omori Historical District is located between the magistrate's office and the mining galleries.

Kanzeonji Temple

From KUMAGAI Residence, Omori Historical District continues to the south. The historical building with white walls covered by plaster paste is "TAGI" Residence.

Please refer the page of "KUMAGAI Residence" for more detail:

"TAGI" Residence used to be a Japanese style hotel, where government officials and village people stayed for their official purposes.

If you walk further to the south, you will see Kanzeonji Temple on a small hill. There is no record when Kanzeonji Temple was built. It is said the temple was built in the middle age (the fifteenth or sixteenth century). The current temple buildings were rebuilt in 1860, after the fire happened in 1800.

From Kanzeonji Temple, you will see Omori Historical District. Red tile-roofed houses are very impressive.

The successive magistrates prayed for the prosperity of Iwami Silver Mine at Kanzeonji Temple.

Omori Historical District

From Kanzeonji Temple, you will cross over the Ginzan River and will walk along Omori Historical District. The below picture shows "KAWASHIMA" residence. The heads of the KAWASHIMA family were officers of the Omori Magistrate's Office.

The "KAWASHIMA" residence looked a commoner's house compared with "KUMAGAI" Residence, it is a typical "Samurai" residence in the Edo Age.

The historical district continues to the south. The street was almost empty, Few sightseers were walking to Iwami Silver Mine.

Some of these historical buildings used to be houses which were owned by a officer of the Omori Magistrate's Office. Some of them were commoners houses and some were tradespeople houses and their shops.

In other areas especially in a castle town in the Edo Age, the area for "Samurai", tradespeople and commoners were strictly divided, because Japan in the Edo Age was a class society. But in Omori Area, the town was rapidly developed, which resulted in a peculiarly mixed urban structure of these different classes of people.

The historical district further continues along the street more than one kilometer from Omori Magistrate's Office. The below building with white walls used to be a Japanese style hotel.

Omori Area was completely destroyed by fire in 1800, these buildings were rebuilt after the fire. However, the historical district has the atmosphere as it was in the Edo Age and maintains the mixed urban structure of different classes of people. "Omori Historical District" is designated as a conservation district of traditional buildings.

Rakanji Temple

Rakanji Temple is located between Omori Historical District and Iwami Silver Mine. The temple construction started in the middle of eighteenth century. Rakanji Temple was built to pray for the families of those who lost their lives at Iwami Silver Mine, by installing five hundred of "Rakan" Statues. It took twenty-five years and huge amount of funding to complete of the temple construction in 1766.

Five hundreds of Rakan Statues are located in stone caves across a small river from the temple.

After long walk in Omori Historical District and visiting Kanzeonji and Rakanji Temples, you will finally arrive at "Ginzan Area" where mining galleries of the silver mine were located.

Please refer the page of "Ginzan Area" for more detail:

How to get there
From Matsue, take a Limited Express "Super Marsukaze" or "Super Oki" to Ohdashi. It will take fifty minutes by a Limited Express. Also, raid trans are available. From Ohdashi Station, take a bus to Iwami Silver Mine.

Other Historical Sites near by:
Historical Sites in Iwami Silver Mine
Omori Magistrate's Office
Ginzan Area
Ruins of Shimizudai Smelter
Yunotsu Port Town

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