Hagi Hakkei Sightseeing Boat

In downtown Hagi, pleasure boats are operated between the Japan Sea and the Hashimoto River.

If you walk from the mausoleum of MORI Terumoto (1553-1625) in Horiuchi Historical District to the west, you will cross the Shizuki Bridge over a small canal. You will see the boarding point of the Hagi Hakkei Sightseeing Boat from the bridge.

Please refer the page of "Horiuchi Historical District in Hagi" for more detail:

Hagi Hakkei Sightseeing Boats operate from 9:00Am to 4:00PM from March to October, and from 9:00AM to 3:30PM in November. A sightseeing boat first goes to the south on a small canal.

The canal was constructed after the Edo Age was ended. The canal divides the second bailey and the third bailey of Hagi Castle. You will see mud walls with white clay along "Bukeyashiki", former retainer's residences from a boat.

The canal merges into the Hashimoto River. The river is wide and contains a great volume of water. The scenery of Hagi from a Hagi Hakkei Sightseeing Boat is much different from the scenery when you walk on streets. It is wide and open scenery.

You will see Mt. Omokage on your right.

A Hagi Hakkei Sightseeing Boat goes up the Hashimoto River and goes under the Tamae Bridge.
On your left, you will see Hiyako Historical District. Behind the white walls, the second house of TANAKA Giichi
(1864-1929) is located.

Please refer the page of "Hiyako Historical District in Hagi" for more detail:

The boat returned at this point. You will see Mt. Shizuki beyond Hagi downtown. The ruins of Hagi Castle are located at the foot of Mt. Shizuki. This view was also spectacular.

Please refer the page of "Ruins of Hagi Castle" for more detail:

The boat went to the canal, again.

The boat passed by the boarding point and went under the next bridge. The height clearance at the next bridge was very few.

The canal flows into the Japan Sea soon after passing through the bridge. you will see Mt. Shizuki on your left. The white clay walls on stone walls are the ruins of Hagi Castle.

The Japan Sea is widely spread in front. This view was also very spectacular.

The Hagi Hakkei Sightseeing Boats go to the Japan Sea, when the weather is fine.
I hope you will enjoy the sightseeing boat ride in Hagi and will enjoy seeing the scenery of the Japan Sea.

How to get there
From Tokyo or Osaka, take a "Nozomi" bound for Hakata. Get off a Nozomi at Shin-Yamaguchi and take a bus to Hagi, the Meirin Center. The boarding point of Hagi Hakkei Boat is located on the way to Hagi Castle.

Other Historical Sites near by:
Kikuya Avenue Historical District
Horiuchi Historical District in Hagi
Hiyako Historical District in Hagi
Ruins of Hagi Castle
Sasanamiichi Historical District

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