Nishiura Beach

Nishiura is located at the tip of the small peninsula on the west side of Gamagori City. Nishiura Beach is facing Mikawa Bay. Palm trees line along the beach, which provides a tropical atmosphere.

Many people come to the beach for swimming in summer. As the beach faces to an inland sea, the sea is usually calm. Fortunately, this beach is not very crowded.

You can relax and enjoy summer.
you will see Atsumi Peninsula across Mikawa Bay and vessels coming and going.

Behind the beach, there are couple of hotels with hot springs on a hill. You can also enjoy both summing and a hot spring at Nishiura Beach.

The west side of the peninsula, the beach is covered by rocks. The scenery is much different between the east and west sides of the peninsula.

In Japan, people welcome the sunrise on New Year's Day, in order to pray for peace and happiness.
Nishiura Beach is one of the places where people come to see the first sunrise of the year.

Following two pictures show the first sunrise in 2017.

How to get there
It is a 40 minute walk from Nishiura Station on the Meitetsu Gamagori Line to Nishiura Beach. Bus service is available from Gamagori Station. It takes 30 minutes and buses run every half hour.

Other Historical Sites near by:
Honkoji Temple
Takeshima Island
Anrakuji Temple
Laguna Ten Bosch

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