Ruins of Nishio Castle, Aichi

The ruins of Nishio Castle are located in the south of Mikawa plain, Aichi Prefecture, the former Mikawa Province. The location of the ruins of Nishio Castle is in the west side of the Yahagi River and in the middle of Nishio City. Nishio Castle was originally built in 1221 by ASHIKAGA Yoshiuji(1189 - 1255). ASHIKAGA Yoshiuji was the provincial governor of Mikawa Province and established distinguished credit during the Jyokyu War happned in 1221. Jyokyu War was the battle between the retired Retired Emperor Gotoba and Hojyo Yoshitoki, who was the second regent of the "Kamakura Bakufu" in the "Kamakura" Age(1185 - 1333).

ASHIKAGA Yoshiuji built two castles on the both sides of the Yahagi River. The east castle was Tojyo Castle, where was the base of the east KIRA Clan. The first generation of the east KIRA Clan was ASHIKAGA Yoshitsugu(? - ?), who was the third son of ASHIKAGA Yoshiuji. Nishio Castle was the base of the west KIRA Clan. The first generation of the west KIRA Clan was ASHIKAGA Osauji(1211 - 1290), who was the elder son of ASHIKAGA Yoshiuji. This decision of ASHIKAGA Yoshiuji generated family quarrels between the east KIRA Clan and the west KIRA Clan.

Please refer the page of "Kira Area in Nishio" for more detailed description of the ruins of Tojyo Castle.

At the end of the sixteenth century, TANAKA Yoshimasa, who was the retainer of TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi became the castle lord of Nishio Castle. He rebuilt Nishio Castle as an early-modern castle. The second bailey was located in the most north of Nishio Castle. To the south of the second bailey, the main castle bailey was located. Exceptionally, the main castle tower of Nishio Castle was located in the second bailey. In the "Edo" Age(1603 - 1868), the government office of Nishio Feudal Domain was placed in Nishio Castle.

If you walk to the ruins of Nishio Castle from Nishio Station on the Meitetsu Nishio Line, you will see "Ushitora" Turret in the second bailey. "Ushitora" means the north-east corner.

You will see "Chujyakumon" Gate and "Ushitora" Turret in the main bailey on your left. "Ushitora" Turret in the second bailey was rebuilt in June, 2020.

"Chujyakumon" Gate, shown in the below picture, was the main gate for the main bailey through the second bailey in the "Edo" Age. "Chujyakumon" Gate was rebuilt in 1996.

The site of the second bailey is well maintained. The glasses are very beautiful. The mud wall was also rebuilt at the north end of the second bailey.

At the north-west corner of the second bailey, the main castle tower was located in the "Edo" Age. The foundation of the main castle tower was also rebuilt. It is said that the rebuilt of the main castle tower has been projected.

You will see "Ushitora" Turret in the main bailey from the foundation of the main castle tower. This view is very impressive.

On the south side of the second bailey, the former KONOE Residence is located. KONOE Clan was one of the five families who have inherited the honorable ministerial positions of 'Kanpaku', the chief adviser to the Emperor, or 'Sessyo', regency, since the "Kamakura" Age. Originally, KONOE Residence was located in Kyoto. KONOE Residence was built at the end of the "Edo" Age. It was relocated to the ruins of Nishio Castle in 2020.

Japanese green tea is served at the former KONOE Residence.

To the south from the former KONOE Residence, you will see the "Ushitora" Turret in the main bailey.
It is the three-storied turret. It looks like the main castle tower.

Between the main bailey and the second bailey, the inner moat is located. You will be able to go to the main bailey from the second bailey through the earth-paved bridge.

The main bailey of Nishio Castle was compact. Mitsurugi Shrine is located in the site of the main bailey. The shrine was founded in the ninth century. As Mitsurugi shrine is located in the main bailey, it is said there isn't enough area for the main castle tower in the main bailey and it was built in the second bailey.

To the east of the main bailey, the original stone walls remain.

The below picture shows the "Ushitora" Turret from the east side. It was rebuilt in 1996. The turret is very gorgeous. "Ushitora" Turret is open for the public from 9:30AM to 4:00PM.

Nishio Feudal Domain was a very common Feudal Domain. Nishio Castle was also not special. Now, turrets and a castle gate were rebuilt and further more, there is a plan to rebuilt the main castle tower. The ruins of Nishio Castle tell the atmosphere at the time in the "Edo" Age.

How to get there
From Nagoya, take a Meitetsu Line bound for Kira-Yoshida. Get off the train at Nishio Station. It will take you approximately fifteen minites on foot, from Nishio Station to the ruins of Nishio Castle to the west.

Other Historical Sites near by:
Kira Area
Nishio Castle Town
Honshoji Temple
Ruins of Okazaki Castle

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