Kakitagawa River

The Kakitagawa River is one of three cleaner rivers in Japan. The length of the river is just 1.2 kilometers, but due to cleanness, it is a well-known river in Japan.

The origin of the Kakitagawa River is located at the end of a lava plateau, which was made by the volcanic eruption of Mt. Fuji 8,500 years ago. Spring water comes from the circles shown in the below picture. These are the sources of the Kakitagawa River.

Rain falls onto Mt. Fuji penetrates in lava plateaus. Water from rain run through a lava plateau. As Mt. Fuji is located approximately forty kilometers away from the origin of the Kakitagawa River, it takes approximately twenty-five to thirty years.

Lava plateaus filtrate water from rain. So, the spring water from the lava plateau is very clean. The view from the second observation platform of the Kakitagawa River is beautiful.

You will see spring water comes from the cylindrical concrete tubes. In 1970s, a chemical factory was located in this place to take an advantage of spring water. The wasted water was emitted from the factory without any effluent treatment. The Kakitagawa River was very dirty and fishes could not live in the river.

People in this region started national trust movements to conserve natural environment and to make the Kakitagawa River clean in 1980s. They bought the land and relocated the chemical factory. With these efforts, the Kakitagawa River is now one of the cleanest rivers in Japan.

The amount of spring water is approximately one million ton a day. The total length of the Kakitagawa River is only 1.2 kilometers, but it looks a large river. You will be refreshed and relaxed with this view. The Kakitagawa River is designated as a Natural Monument of Japan.

How to get there
From Tokyo, you will take a "Kodama" to Mishima on the Tokaido Shinkansen. A Bus from Mishima Station to Numazu Station stops at "Kakitagawa-Yusui Koen". Bicycle rental is available at Mishima Station. It takes approximately twenty minutes from Mishima Station by bicycle.

Other Historical Sites near by:
Mishima Taisha Shrine
Ruins of Yamanaka Castle
Ruins of HOJYO Clan
Ruins of Kokokuji Castle
Rinzaiji Temple in Shizuoka

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